Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Review: The Way of Abundance: A 60-Day Journey into a Deeply Meaningful Life by Ann Voskamp

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 1086 KB
  • Print Length: 256 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 031035031X
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
  • Publisher: Zondervan (March 13 2018)
  • Sold by: Zondervan CA (CA SOR)
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B072TPQ7BW

Book Description

What do you do when you wake up and feel like you're not enough for your life? Or when you look out the kitchen window as dusk falls and wonder how do you live when life keeps breaking your heart? 

As Ann Voskamp writes, “great grief isn't meant to fit inside your body. It's why your heart breaks.” And each of us holds enough brokenness to overflow—to be given as the greatest story of our lives.

In sixty vulnerably soulful stories, The Way of Abundance moves from self-weary brokenness to Christ-focused givenness. Drawing from the critically acclaimed, New York Times bestseller The Broken Way and Ann's online essays, this devotional dares us to embrace brokenness as a gift that moves us to givenness as a way to draw closer to the heart of God. Christ Himself broke like bread, giving Himself to us so we might have a lifelong communion with Him. Could it be that our brokenness is also a gift to the world?

This gentle but exquisitely profound book does nothing less than take you on an intimate journey of the soul.

As Ann writes, "The wound in His side proves that Jesus is always on the side of the suffering, the wounded, the busted, the broken." Discover how surrendering in unexpected ways is the first step toward receiving what you long for. Discover the good news that your beauty is not in your strength but in your fragility. Discover why your healing shines radiant through your wounds—and how only in brokenness will you ever be whole—and find the way to the abundance you were meant for.

About the Author

Ann Voskamp's a farmer's wife, mama to 6 kids, & author of One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are (Zondervan). Everyday, she takes the wild dare. Right in the midst of her own and gritty grace-filled life. When the kids and the washing machine sleep, she washes her real dirt down with words and The Word. Some of her words find themselves in an award-winning series for curious kids, A Childs Geography, of which all profits are donated to Compassion. Other words can be found at Laity Lodge's High Calling where she serves as a contributing editor and other words advocate for the poor as she is a blogger traveling with Compassion. The only words that really matter are the ones she lives. This convicts her. She has a background in education from York University and the University of Waterloo, home educates their six farm kids, and makes a mess of things every day. She clings to grace. She's more of a rare peeper than a regular tweeter, but everyday in the fringe hours, early and late, she blogs about the mess and the grace and the everyday wonder at a Holy Experience.
from http://www.incourage.me/meet-incourage

My Review

The Way of Abundance: A 60-Day Journey into a Deeply Meaningful Life is the latest book by Ann Voskamp. Ann is a Christian teacher, speaker and writer. She writes beautifully. She has a way with words that speaks to me. Her words are profound. I discovered Ann's work with One Thousand Gifts which I found to be so enlightening. The Way of Abundance is another great work by an insightful Christian woman.

In the Introduction of The Way of Abundance, Ann explains her understanding of abundance:
"Brokenness multiplies into abundance. This seems impossible—unlikely. And this is the unfailing way of God. Multiplication happens out of brokenness. And the sum is abundant life."

Abundant life is something we all strive for. Abundant life is found in unexpected places, in the broken places. There are 60 devotions for readers of The Way of Abundance. Each begins with a bible verse, then the devotion and finally some questions for reflection.

The Way of Abundance: A 60-Day Journey into a Deeply Meaningful Life is an insightful devotional. I am finding peace with Ann Voskamp's words of wisdom. I know you will too. I highly recommend The Way of Abundance.

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