Saturday, March 31, 2012

Review: Cinnamon Roll Murder by Joanne Fluke

  • Hardcover: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Kensington (Feb 28 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0758234937
  • ISBN-13: 978-0758234933
  • Product Dimensions: 21.3 x 16 x 3.3 cm 

Book Description

 When Hannah Swensen hears that the Cinnamon Roll Six jazz band will be playing at a festival in Lake Eden, Minnesota, she bakes up a supply of their namesake confections to welcome them. But tragedy strikes when their tour bus overturns on its way into town. And keyboard player Buddy Neiman's minor injuries turn deadly serious when someone plunges surgical scissors into his chest...Turns out, Buddy Neiman isn't the victim's real name. In fact, no one is really sure who he is. Hannah's investigation digs up a few local suspects. There is Doctor Bev, who seems to know more about "Buddy" than she's willing to admit. And Devon, an aspiring keyboard player who may have had a fatal case of jealousy. Hannah isn't sure how she'll unravel the mystery, but one thing's for sure: there's nothing sweeter than bringing a killer to justice...

My Review

 I am still trying to figure out why I keep reading this series. Though we finally seem to have made some progress in the Hannah-Norman relationship in this outing I still find that the background story is very unrealistic. How often does an overweight, frizzy haired woman in her thirties have the two most eligible bachelors in town pursuing her.  Are her cooking and baking skills that amazing?  Is her company that fascinating?  Or is that she is such a doormat willing to make meals for people in the middle night her greatest charm?

As always the recipes that accompany the books in this series sound delicious.  Very readable if not somewhat ridiculously goody two shoesish in part. Horrible that a police detective's wife would sneak looks at his files to help solve cases.  In all, very very silly.

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